NCC Financial
Canada's largest independant debt management and credit councelling organization.
Strategic Planning
White Tiger was retained to facilitate Strategic Planning in support of the identification of need and the consideration of opportunity as this successful company transitions to the next phase of it's evolution.
Executive Search
White Tiger was retained to find and facilitate a Director of Marketing. We were successful in retaining a very capable individual who is now a critical member of the Senior Management Team.
Executive Development
White Tiger was retained to deliver a development program for personal and professional development to a broad cross section of management. Our focus was on creating a results oriented program which encompassed development of new core competencies, skill sets, effective manangement practices, and new strategic perspectives.
Core Management Training
White Tiger was engaged to deliver a management training program for front line managers and supervisors seeking professional development in core management competencies. Our focus was on creating a results oriented program which developed new skill sets and common perspectives specifically within communications, time management, critical thinking and leadership.